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ciskoh33 karma

How are things in Rome with regards of how much work you have? Are the hospital holding on ok?

ciskoh32 karma

you don't spray other herbicides on your corn directly. cause it would kill it. gliphosate is considered mildly carcinogenic so you are overreaching here. yes many other herbicides are worst, this doesn't make gliphosate good.

ciskoh31 karma

the problem IMHO lies exactly in how you define "best". in industrial agriculture "best" often means shinier, more consistent shape and size, quicker to grow. I find it simply silly to prefer this attributes to taste, health, nutrient needs, diversity, resilience to climatic conditions....

ciskoh30 karma

dude read my first post. I am not saying you shouldn't use gliphosate at all, hell in my work I have literally suggested farmers to use it if it makes them avoid Worst herbicides, heavy tillage, erosion and massive fertiliser use. Just don't tell me we should be happily spraying it everywhere, especially not DIRECTLY ON my food.

ciskoh30 karma

that's exactly the situation where you use more roundup because your cash crop doesnt care anyway. plus you spray it directly on the product, which means we eat much more of it. using roundup to avoid tillage, before seeding the crop is something I can get behind, if done properly.

also there are ogms that are resistant to specific pests, which might reduce pesticide use. I am not 100% sure it actually works as advertised, since they might be more vulnerable to other pests or environmental factors (yeah the world is complicated and you have to consider 1000 things at the same time) , but could be a way forward...