Highest Rated Comments

cinepro119 karma

"Ed" was a great show that seems oddly lost to the ages. Never see re-runs. No DVD or Blu-ray. No Netflix. But I'm always telling my kids about the $10 bets (we always pronounce lettuce "le-tuce"), Phil's fine Corinthian Turkeys and donagles, Michael Winslow's ranking of the Police Academy Movies by quality (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Danny Devito's awesome football scam, and every time we see you in a show, my wife and I say "Hey, it's Warren Cheswick!" (at first it was from real surprise, and now it's just because it's what we always say).

cinepro97 karma

They weren't giving out toasters because they were generous. It was because they weren't allowed to pay interest on standard checking accounts (see: Glass-Steagall act of 1933), so they had to offer other incentives.

cinepro9 karma

There are all different kinds of prisons in America. And try reading some of the AMAs from American prison guards. Sometimes prisons are awful places because they're full of awful people.


(Same guy follow up...)



cinepro8 karma

Also, I have a relative in prison in Colorado (the same one that Blagojevich is in), and it's pretty "resort like." He even has access to "prison" email.