Highest Rated Comments

chw338 karma

Were you the guy with a reputation of being a raging asshole on CSNation or am I thinking of someone else?

chw36 karma

Cool, thanks for the honesty.

chw36 karma

Whatever happened to Rizzuh? Did you guys work closely together? Are you still in touch? Is he actually fat or is that just a silly meme?

chw33 karma

Question about the filmmaking aspect: what camera setups do you use in your coverage? What are the essential pieces of gear you always bring?

chw33 karma

With more and more production design and set design being extended (or created entirely digitally), how does this affect your job as an art director?

Do you enjoy the creative possibilities that CG allows for, or do you prefer physically working with the art? How much of the job now involves directing animators or effects teams instead of dressers and building crews?