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chuckyjc052848 karma

Hey Mark. Huge fan in just about every possible way, but I had to share this story and find out if it is true.

I have this friend who used to be a plmber in New York city. He often claims to not only have done work for you, but that you are pretty close friends. So I had to share this story and ask.

He used to work for this plumbing company and on occasion would do work for some high profile clients. Because of his professionalism and knowledge, the company would purposefully give him those jobs.

He was telling me about being in your apartment and was halfway up a ladder and working on something in the ceiling of your bathroom. You had let him be and left the room while your kids played video games in another room. Now, for whatever reason, things became difficult and he was in the ceiling for a long long time. So he would stand there and listen to your kids complain about how difficult this part in the Legend of Zelda was. They were begging you to help them get past it and you either refused or you had trouble yourself. But he kept his mouth shut about Zelda and about how increasingly frustrated he was getting in his work.

Now after a long time had passed you eventually came in and asked him how it was going. He stepped down the ladder, one by one, he wiped his hands off and said, "well Mark.... the force just isn't with us"

From his account, your wife could be heard a few rooms over howling in laughter as you stood there chuckling, but clearly sick of people making star wars jokes. He then informed you about how the plumbing job would need to wait until another day so he could buy more parts, but he was getting tired of your kids' troubles in Zelda and you let him beat that part for them. He says that you both became friends from then on.

I don't talk to him very often anymore, but every time i hear that story i immediately want to laugh at him for making up something so ridiculous, and beg him for an autograph just in case it is true.

So my question is, how much is he making up? and have you gotten better at Legend of Zelda?

chuckyjc05110 karma

chuckyjc051 karma

jenny sofia or shiva?