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chuckinator11935 karma

This sounds like the British government not wanting to prosecute Pakistani rape gangs for fear of being called racist.

chuckinator11921 karma

Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound provoked. The British government for a time did not prosecute a Muslim/ Pakistani grooming gang that preyed on underage girls because feared “public perception” probably relating to the race and immigration status of the accused. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_child_sex_abuse_ring Race/gender/immigration status should never be considered a factor when trying to punish/ report on someone who has committed vile acts as those in the article.

chuckinator11913 karma

This is perhaps one of my favorite Indy games I have over 200 hours in verdun but less in tannenburg. I was really glad when I saw that sound update for verdun.

When you update something on tannenburg do you carry those over to verdun? I know the games are similar just not the reciprocity between their designs.

Also Player count has been an issue do you see that changing much?


chuckinator1191 karma

Were you the one that faked the moon landings or was that someone else?