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chronicallyfailed450 karma

How often do you get prank calls/other assholes?

chronicallyfailed432 karma

The Meme surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the reddit together.

chronicallyfailed251 karma

That puts them at about 42mph on impact if I'm doing maths right, which I hope I am since I have the exam in two weeks time. That doesn't sound like fun.

chronicallyfailed53 karma

I used ms-1 first but converted it into mph because it was more easy to compare to things, please don't hate me :(

chronicallyfailed41 karma

Agreed, when I worked it out I first thought "two seconds? Is that all?", because jumping off cliffs (in a fun way not a suicidy one) that must be only around 8-10m feels like 2 seconds at the very least.

EDIT: Maybe the sudden shot of adrenaline that presumably comes with a fall is something to do with this?

EDIT 2: So it's not adrenaline http://www.livescience.com/2117-time-slow-emergencies.html

EDIT 3: So nobody really seems to know what it is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_motion_perception