Highest Rated Comments

christabellouise151 karma

Jared Leto is an absolute asshole. He preaches about peace and love and not being materialistic whilst wearing head to toe Gucci that he pays for by constantly telling his fans that they aren't proper fans unless they're buying everything he's selling. The fan base is a nightmare, it's like One Direction hysteria but in 40+ soccer moms and the closer you get to the centre of it, the fans that have been there since the beginning the more rotten it gets, it's LITERALLY rotten to the core. He's asked for all this footage when what will actually be shown is HIS footage of whatever thot he's sticking his penis in this month. Shannon is a drug addict who only 'dates' escorts who are young enough to be his daughter and then some, he's also had so much cosmetic surgery - his cheeks filled and brows lifted - that he looks more like the joker than his brother did in the shit show that was `Suicide Squad. Even Tomo isn't the sweetness and light everyone makes out. All those girls backstage that he won't make eye contact with? They're there because he sends his assistants out with back stages passes around whatever city they're playing in to find girls that look a certain way or will book models prior to arriving at the shows venue. With all the allegations of his sexual predatory behaviour, nothing's ever been proved because he has girls sign non disclosure agreements, they constantly play Eastern European countries as the laws regarding age of consent etc are not really taken seriously. One day it really is gonna go like Cosby, someone's gonna say rape and his PR team won't be able to stop it and then more and more will come out. I was stupid enough to be taken in by him, be part of his "cult", I even have a tattoo that matches his that makes me feel ill every time I look at it. I hope his dick rots off.

christabellouise11 karma

I’d love to do this, I drove across America ten years ago, and being from the uk, was startled at how hard it was to just ‘walk’ somewhere as there were no footpaths only major roads. Is it legal to walk along the highway or do you use trails?