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chipsonmyshoulders17 karma

Yes, they have, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalized_abortion_and_crime_effect

One very glaring weakness in Levitt and Donohue's (Americo-centric) argument is that when Communists took over in Eastern Europe they legalized abortion, but those countries didn't become more peaceful because of that. Abortion was legal in Romania from 1957 - 1966, then banned 1967 - 1990 and then legalized again. So then, is the Romanian generation born between 1967-1990 extra criminal? Nope.

Another, IMHO, much more plausible explanation for the drop in crime rates in the US is the ban on leaded gasoline: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/lead-crime-link-gasoline

chipsonmyshoulders12 karma

Is Rajesh from The Big Bang Theory a good representation of the disorder? He can not speak to girls but can speak when drunk.

Can you nod or shake your head when asked something? Like can you use your body-language to communicate or is that channel muted too?

I know a person who seem to be able to speak but in a very, very, very, very low voice. Is that the same disorder or a different one since the voice is not completely muted?

chipsonmyshoulders4 karma

The Communist Party ruled in Romania both when abortions were free and when they were forbidden. It was the same in many Eastern European countries. Just focusing on American data when there might be counter-examples in statistics in other parts of the world doesn't make sense.