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childplease24765 karma


childplease24722 karma

"Cat in the wall, now your speaking my language"

childplease24715 karma

tl;dr - want to hunt, don't know how

Hey man, great AMA, lots of helpful stuff. Bit of a back story on me, most of my family on both sides and even my parents are vegetarian; some for animal rights reasons, others for health blah blah.. Personally, I'm into meat and don't feel any need or desire to stop eating it (we're omnivores dammit). But I've started to see the benefits to eating natural and especially the points about the meat industry and disrespecting animals so I'm looking to hunting to satisfy my needs and allow me a bit of personal satisfaction that I'm doing what's right. So without any real guidance, (i was a cub scout, went camping a lot as a kid and feel pretty comfortable out in the woods for extended periods, NO HUNTING EXP) where would you recommend looking for introductions on hunting (I border NH / MA and plan to bow hunt if it helps... I've looked up YouTube videos, online guides but per your quote, I don't want to kill anything needlessly, I respect these animals and want to do this right)