Highest Rated Comments

chiefedibleofficer5 karma

Agreed on all fronts.

But all of this testing, etc. costs a bunch of money. Mom and pop operations don't have that kind of capital, and it's becoming increasingly more difficult to compete with the deep pockets. These are people who have been cannabis advocates for years and years, and now that it's mainstream, they're being pushed aside, so how do you feel about the overall corporate advancement that is happening as well?

The slow legislation will allow the pharma kings to phase out their other meds while playing catch up with everyone else in the current market. If that happens, we don't control it anymore. Cost of the product increases, product is limited to what they provide, etc etc. I won't even get into some of the other ramifications, but there needs to be a balance. I don't like the way things are headed.

chiefedibleofficer4 karma

Vanessa mentioned on one of the shows that she realized she loved weed for the first time once she had sex while high (Or something along those lines)

Then I fell in love, ha! 😍

chiefedibleofficer1 karma

Stupid question, but Ry, how high were you when you made your sign to promote this Reddit forum? I noticed you wrote 6/20.