Highest Rated Comments

cheddar_grits_AMEN164 karma

If you had a magic wand, what single amendment would you add or edit to the U.S. Constitution? Relatedly, what one U.S. Supreme Court case would you overrule?

cheddar_grits_AMEN25 karma

Prof. Lessig -- I am a big fan and very much enjoyed Republic, Lost. I have three questions:

  1. Can you paint a picture, maybe 5-10 years down the road, in which McCutcheon has been decided in favor of deregulated campaign finance laws and Citizens United remains the law of the land? What is a possible worst case scenario we as a nation are looking at?

  2. I am always frustrated by the lack of exposure campaign finance receives; indeed, I see a lot of eyes glaze over at the concept because it doesn't have the same appeal as, say, climate change or same-sex marriage. Do you agree with the notion that it will have to take a huge scandal to get us on track toward reform, that it will have to get a whole lot worse before it gets better?

  3. What are the odds that Buckley v. Valeo is overturned, if not with this case, then soon if the current court remains with its members during the next few years?

Thank you, sir, and keep up the good fight!