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charlietheowl8 karma

You filmed several segments for Sesame Street over the years. What was it like on the set there? Was it tough interacting with the Muppets or was it easy to forget there was a person under there?

charlietheowl5 karma

How do you deal with people who resist your attempts at medical care?

charlietheowl4 karma

How did you get into such a field?

charlietheowl4 karma

How hard was it for you to adjust from being on the Oakland A's, where you won three straight titles, to the Chicago Cubs, where the team struggled to get to .500? Was it tough to adjust to not winning a majority of your games?

charlietheowl3 karma

What do you think about umpires instigating disputes with players or seemingly having a bit of a temper? I remember seeing an ump this year start moving towards the mound and jawing with AJ Burnett after the Pirates were displeased with a couple of calls, and I thought it was incredibly unprofessional. Would you ever handle a situation like that?