Highest Rated Comments

ch0och1167 karma

You didn't even frame this question in some distasteful way, which would have been very easy.

The non answer tells us a lot about the state of our media's sense of accountability. On some of these questions, four different journalists are replying from as many as three separate accounts, yet not a one of them has anything to say here.

The public wants their watchdog news corps back. We are sick of the digital race for clicks. Or the utter silence when someone points out their faults. (Covington, Smollet, now Russiagate)

I realize you handful or worker bees doing this AMA don't speak for the entirety of the AP. But come the fuck on, you guys made Trump possible in the first place, goddamnit. It's time to re-evaluate our business practices, no?

ch0och508 karma

Lol and they don't answer this one either.

It seems the media is very keen to the idea that this story is about to bite them in the ass. As a result, any question that contains the words "the media" won't be answered here.

They saw the blowback Facebook got after the election.

Which makes an interesting paradox.... Juicy, sweet sweet Trump news that I'm sure everyone is dying to give hot takes about.... But it also points out media's wild and irresponsible behavior for past two years. Fun times kids

ch0och148 karma

Love the quote. Props to you.

Was there a struggle with self esteem/negativity at some point in your career? Regrets? Or have you been this rock solid the whole time?

ch0och147 karma

I know a lot of women in my life would have a really hard time adjusting. I'd imagine you must be tough as nails , since you are here now sharing your story. Good on you!

ch0och72 karma

or "why is my EMT sniffing me so?"