Highest Rated Comments

cerberus_7165 karma

Well...if you don't get it out to the media, they can kill you and make it look like an accident, or worse. If you do get the story out there, you'll likely have the protection of public attention. This is why nobody dares kill whistleblowers like Assange or Snowden; if they did, they'd quickly enter the media spotlight and make themselves look much worse.

In short, you'd probably be safer spreading the story.

cerberus_764 karma

I find this attitude towards whistleblower cops to be rather similar to the mentality often seen in gangs. Snitches get stitches, whistleblowers get fired/die in an "accident". Not trying to make a political statement, just drawing a comparison that seems a bit too close for comfort.

cerberus_747 karma

On a tangential note, how often do you think the fear of losing a job/getting blacklisted/going without income keeps someone who's otherwise morally upright from blowing the whistle on some horrible act like this? Were there any other guards in that prison who agreed with your stance/actions?

cerberus_71 karma

What do you think Egypt's greatest strength is right now? And what's the craziest thing you've seen as a reporter in Egypt?