Highest Rated Comments

cballance18 karma

I can't stress this enough. I was self-taught and am still surprised I didn't "die trying," so to speak. Not sure how I made it 6 months and didn't even directly understand counter-steering.

edit: corrected cross-steering to counter-steering at /u/shiffts correct suggestion

cballance4 karma

Taking advantage of "tax inversions" are just companies making the best under current tax law. This behavior is a direct result of the tax laws we currently have. Simplify the tax laws and the problem will be easier to correct for. Stacking additional rules on the already exceedingly complicated stack will only make things worse.

cballance3 karma

I'm about halfway through 'Flash Boys' and it is quite the eye-opener for the history of front-running tactics.

cballance2 karma

Hi Steve. Thanks for doing an AMA.

I'm curious about the longer term effects of QE on the market once QE ends soon and rates are set to rise. Is this something the Fed might keep in its toolbox to use in the future even once rates are above zero?

cballance2 karma

We want a dynamic economy and don't want to load it up with too many complicated and often conflicting incentives.
