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castiglione_99147 karma

The craziest thing about the Holocaust in Germany is that German Jews were well integrated. There was so much mixing that the Nazis had to figure out (arbitrary) ways to distinguish Jews from non-Jews. Yet, the Nazis still rounded them up. Based on pretty arbitrary distinctions. They rounded up and mass murdered people based on arbitrary distinctions. People who had been their neighbors, friends, etc. It's mind-boggling how people can just become brain-washed on a mass scale to just turn on other people.

castiglione_9956 karma

It's been a while since I read Marx (more than 20 years) but from what I recall, one of the requirements for a communist revolution is that it occur after industrialization has taken place, so as to take advantage of the infrastructure that would have been developed. Neither Russia or China were industrialized countries when their revolutions occurred, being almost feudal in nature. Do you feel this was instrumental in both communist revolutions to have diverged from the blue-print set down by Marx and getting stuck at the phase of the dictatorship of the proletariat and "losing the plot" or do you feel that they diverged from the plan due to other factors, i.e. outside influences, etc.?

castiglione_9925 karma

Do you believe keeping Israel as a Jewish state is even viable long-term without sacrificing its democracy? It begs the question of how to handle a rising population among non-Jewish Israelis (Muslims, Druzes, Christians, etc.) and their role in a democratic yet Jewish Israel.

castiglione_9914 karma

Which he couldn't answer as a yes or no question because of the context.

castiglione_9912 karma

Failed Uchi-mata attempt (the kick to the nads)?