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call_me_lee14 karma

Exactly what I had and they operated...never knew you can breath from both nostrils at the same time

call_me_lee8 karma

When do you expect us to start seeing some of the more impacted companies close shop? I mean how long can an airline company survive when no one is flying? Anything in the tourism industry has to be dying right now? What happens to countries that rely heavily on tourism or other sectors that are heavily impacted?

call_me_lee2 karma

Hate to be cold but wouldn't this be a case where universal health care is a detriment? Hospitals have X beds and X beds only. Can't take more if you're private or public.

A cold part of me says Hospitals should prioritize children and our highest valued members (young doctors, scientists, teachers, farmers,...). I say this when I don't fit in any of those categories but in a true pandemic (where mortality rates are super high) the guy producing flour for bread is way more important than me for society.

call_me_lee1 karma

Two years ago my friend got a nasty flu which was diagnosed poorly over and over. Had to do a ton of antibiotics and had plenty of liquid in the lungs. He finally kicked it but he lost his sense of smell. He has partial taste (lemon, bitter and some sweet) but he characterizes it as having about 10% of his taste. I'm think he either had swine flu or some other variance of a corona virus but that's a guess cause not a single doctor figured it out. At the end they had him on steroids and antibiotics and nasal sprays.


My question is, once the sense of taste/smell is lost why doesn't it come back when you've healed? Is there something particular he needs to do to recover his senses? Doctors seem to always be brushing him off but not being able to taste really sucks