Highest Rated Comments

c3h8pro14 karma

Don't want to die horribly in a vacuum Mr. Spider? Then keep outside where you belong. Don't want to catch a 12 gauge shell in the chest or be mauled by dogs Mr. Criminal? Stay out of my house. Life is all about choices.

c3h8pro9 karma

Insane waste of time and effort.

c3h8pro7 karma

If they can get Oscar Pistorius blade running feet someone must be able to produce a sex traction boot!

c3h8pro7 karma

What got you pulled over to allow the cops to find the gun? Tail light out? Speeding?

c3h8pro7 karma

We had a blue funnel and a 3 foot piece of hose in each compartment. Maintenance drilled a hole to snake the hose out and it worked fine till one dipshit tried to code brown and piss the funnel clean on a 20 mph street with a off duty deputy behind us. His yellow cavalier looked like a cheetah when dispatch showed us the poleroids.

We implemented rotation stops at supermarkets. You tell the messenger code brown or yellow and go at our next stop. Either Sally port in and out of the box or use the door popper.