Highest Rated Comments

butzjr5 karma

Have you ever kidnapped anyone staying at your hostel and sold them to the world's richest elite for use as torture toys? (fyi...its a joke about a movie called 'hostel' for all you downvoters)

butzjr2 karma

Have you learned all the moves yet?

butzjr1 karma

What is it that you like so much about the water color medium as opposed to traditional paint or ink?

butzjr1 karma

Jim, a lot of your material is kid friendly especially compared to most other comedians. Do you do this on purpose so audiences of all ages can enjoy it? And do you find that to be limiting in anyway where other comics can get away with more edgy material where it's hard to compete with using your type of comedy?

Also, I just have to say the internal monologue voice is my abolsolute favorite part of your bit!