Highest Rated Comments

burstaneurysm104 karma

Do yourself a favor and go watch The Lego Movie. It's really great, even if you don't really care about Lego or animated movies.

burstaneurysm50 karma

"I'm white trash and I'm in trouble."

burstaneurysm4 karma

Shure SE215. $100 super comfy, great sound quality.

burstaneurysm2 karma

Any suggestions for in ears?

As awesome as they are, big ass cans don't qualify.

burstaneurysm1 karma

I did a septoplasty, turbinate reduction, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in one go.
It wasn't a particularly fun recovery, but well worth it.
I rarely snore anymore and everything is open enough that, while I still have the occasional allergy/congestion problem, it's never bad enough that I'm totally knocked on my ass.
First few days were tough, but it got better. Fatigue will be a definite thing you deal with for probably a couple weeks before you're back to normal.