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bulk2win2 karma

Why 'media literacy' and not practical/deductive Logic?

bulk2win2 karma

Excellent! Thank you for the reply.

bulk2win2 karma

Thanks for the reply Tessa, I have a question regarding the core concepts of CML.

  1. All media messages are constructed.

  2. Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules.

  3. Different people experience the same media message differently.

  4. Media have embedded values and points of view.

  5. Most media messages are organized to gain profit and/or power.

Do you by any chance introduce validity and soundness in any of your lessons? How does your program treat invalid statements like: "Cassandra owns a Mercedes-Benz. Rich people own Mercedes-Benz automobiles. Therefore, Cassandra must be rich."?

How exactly would would a Student following your program parse such information?