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bug-a-pottamus75 karma

I think about that often and try to imagine if my blue was someone else's green or whatever. Deeeeeeeep.

bug-a-pottamus57 karma

You should check out /r/abrathatfits - if you haven't already :)

bug-a-pottamus36 karma

Actually i read an article a while ago that said something along the lines of - the color scale and order itself would be the same for everyone, like roygbiv would still be in that order, because the colors are only our perception of the different wavelengths, red being longer and decreasing through violet.. but out perception of the wavelengths could just look different in our brains...? I dont know enough about this shit not to sound like an idiot talking about it lol

But ive never had to do that at the eye dr. Im nearsighted, have an astigmatism, and bad night vision, but never had my color perception tested