Hi Chris, I've been a huge fan of your work for years. You and I have met a handful of times and I've talked to you (and Jon Hamm, once) about how finding your show back in the public access days changed my life in such a profound and beneficial way. I almost asked you this question at High Dive this weekend but didn't want to bother you when you were just trying to see your wife's band play (they crushed it btw, danciest set I saw all Fest) so I'll ask now: how uncomfortable would it make you if I were to get your signature tattooed across my arm? You once wore a shirt that said "I want to be your Morrissey" and, as weird as it may sound, hearing you talk about Morrissey and what The Smiths mean to you reminds me a lot of when I try to describe you and your show and what it got me through. This is a genuine question, by the way, I will not be offended or upset if you aren't comfortable with it. Either way, thank you for everything.
brycecolby7 karma
Hi Chris, I've been a huge fan of your work for years. You and I have met a handful of times and I've talked to you (and Jon Hamm, once) about how finding your show back in the public access days changed my life in such a profound and beneficial way. I almost asked you this question at High Dive this weekend but didn't want to bother you when you were just trying to see your wife's band play (they crushed it btw, danciest set I saw all Fest) so I'll ask now: how uncomfortable would it make you if I were to get your signature tattooed across my arm? You once wore a shirt that said "I want to be your Morrissey" and, as weird as it may sound, hearing you talk about Morrissey and what The Smiths mean to you reminds me a lot of when I try to describe you and your show and what it got me through. This is a genuine question, by the way, I will not be offended or upset if you aren't comfortable with it. Either way, thank you for everything.
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