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brttnyrm7 karma

Can crop circles be square?

brttnyrm3 karma

Let's go with a corn field. Can crop circles in a corn field be square? Or are they no longer considered crop circles if they're square ?

brttnyrm1 karma

YES! Spirals are always the best.

brttnyrm1 karma

Okay, follow-up question: do you have a favorite crop shape?

brttnyrm1 karma

I'm a huge fan of your work Arthur! You're an amazing actor and I'm very excited to see you in the Legends of Tomorrow.

I would love to know, how was it working with David Tennant after spending so much time shooting Doctor Who with Matt Smith? Did you talk about Doctor Who?

Also, if you had to pick a different Doctor to have been a companion for Who would you have chosen?