Highest Rated Comments

browneyedguuurl4 karma

LeVar, I just want to congratulate you on the success of this Kickstarter! As soon as I can I plan to donate.

Question. As a Hispanic, I think knowing more than 1 language is very important. Plus the growth of our population in the USA is changing the landscape of the country. Do you plan on expanding this program to include other languages?

browneyedguuurl1 karma

My godfather suffered a fall in late '11. After that he complained of back problems but no matter what tests were done, nothing showed up. After that he began losing his speech. It is a year and some months later and they can't find anything. I'm convinced it's neurological. Is there any way his fall could've triggered something? His back is fine now but he can't string sentences together and barely speaks. It's heartbreaking.

browneyedguuurl1 karma

Hi Ethan! Thank you so much for doing is. My question is... Do you ever see the USA going the way of Portugal? They legalized drugs and have had great success with it. Is there a day that could happen in the States?

browneyedguuurl1 karma

Thanks for the response!

browneyedguuurl1 karma

Hi! I was wondering, have you had the chance of working with patients with Primary Progressive Aphasia? It isn't very known but it is a form of dementia. The patient's brain is fine but they lose their ability to communicate (talk, form sentences, etc) and their motor skills. Basically, the patient is trapped in his/her body.

My dad's best friend was diagnosed with it a year ago and we have been slowly watching him fade away and it's heartbreaking. If you've had the chance to work with this type of illness, what advice do you give to loved ones dealing with it?