Highest Rated Comments

brix_shat75 karma

are you worried about "tar"? (you fucking pussy)

hell of a vibe that ad gives off

brix_shat51 karma


brix_shat4 karma

No question, however your website background color is quite terrible. Have you considered something different? Here is a 15 second CSS change: http://imgur.com/tkcjldg

food for thought, cheers

brix_shat2 karma

First off, I am a web developer and want to say THANK YOU for considering advice. Most people don't.

Anyway, I'm happy to help. It looks like your website may be a Joomla site? If you can find a way to modify your website's CSS file (ococean.css) at line 98 you have an attribute selector of #wrapper

#wrapper {
    margin-left: 3px;
    padding-left: 5px;

    width: auto;
    /* background-color: #fff; */
    background-color: #D55500;

change the background property to background-image: and specify an image that is large (~2000px wide) yet optimized for the web and (this is important) not a copyrighted image. Note my example image is copyrighted and not an image you could use. You may already own or have access to images that would work or you can buy stock images from websites like shutterstock. Keep in mind while choosing an image that only the very left and right edges will be used.

Example CSS of what you could change it to:

#wrapper {
    margin-left: 3px;
    padding-left: 5px;

    width: auto;
    background-color: rgb(17, 48, 102);
    background-image: url('http://3kgirl.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/megamouth-shark-hd-wallpaper-1080p.jpg');


You'll want a background image that either repeats or set up your layout so the background image is only screen height without scrolling instead of the entire 2700px tall your website is.

brix_shat2 karma

I've seen ducks eat worms you liar!