Highest Rated Comments

brickonwheels306 karma

I want to mention if it hasn't already been said below, but donating marrow through an apheresis procedure is nearly painless and does not involve a giant needle as did procedures previous to this. I donated years ago and aside from some discomfort of having to sit in a chair for a number of hours, saving a life couldn't be easier.

brickonwheels14 karma

Well, the show probably aired in the 1980s, so it's safe to assume the carpet was rather...plush.

brickonwheels11 karma

I will second the fact that this is nearly painless. I noticed the discomfort in my hips due to the drugs before the procedure, but the actual donation was actually kinda fun. I knocked out a season of The Office while I dontated.

brickonwheels7 karma

If you have donated plasma, it should be very similar. You have two needles, one pulling blood out, which is then spun through the machine, and another needle putting the blood back in with some other stuff added in (I think it was saline, but I'm not sure, I only remember that it was cold coming back in). A book would be tricky as you aren't supposed to move your arms. The first time I donated, the chair had a tv I could watch. The second time, I was with my then gf so I think we just talked the entire time.

brickonwheels1 karma

With that in mind, what is the fastest you have traveled on a motorcycle, either at the track or not?