Highest Rated Comments

brickfrenzy323 karma

Would you rather joust against 1 duck sized hors....

shoots self

Seriously though, what's the most common injury suffered by jousters? What's the worst injury you've suffered?

brickfrenzy303 karma

You need to lobby for Victoria's job, and become the transcriber of Reddit AMAs for famous people that can't type fast.

brickfrenzy98 karma

But maybe wait until the AMA is over. It appears the website has been hugged to death.

brickfrenzy94 karma

JC Penney Optical refused to give me the pupillary distance for my son's prescription so I just measured it myself. His new Zenni glasses work just fine.

Fuck those guys.

brickfrenzy79 karma

She's the Reddit liaison who types for celebrities in a lot of AMAs. They usually do a shout-out to her at the beginning. Jeremy Wade's AMA from this morning is the most recent example.