Highest Rated Comments

brianddk8 karma

As a free-speech absolutist, I'm more interested in things that "can't" be censored instead of assertions that it "won't" be censored. On that note, can you address one, all or any of the following:

  1. Fear that Microsoft may kick the IPFS and Brave repos off github? Thoughts on a way to make the source censor-proof.
  2. Fear that Brave, IPFS client, or any gateway may block a specific IPFS or IPNS endpoint or maintain a blacklist? Perhaps make the brave browser and IPFS client docker-buildable, making it simple for content-creators to fork-and-go to ensure a non-censoring client
  3. Fears that US or Canadian governments might compel IPFS or Brave to censor specific IPFS / IPNS endpoints.

And in general, how do you feel as to the survivability of either of these projects as more and more communities and governments police "community standards"?

brianddk8 karma

Brave Question:

I really enjoy the integration of ENS in the crypto wallet and think this complements IPFS nicely. Is your team looking at integrating with other ERC721 projects like UnstopableDomains, or even diffent blockchains like Namecoin and Emercoin?

On that note, the addition of native Tor and IPFS is groundbreaking. Thoughts about adding I2P, Zeronet, Freenet or any of the other dweb networks?

brianddk7 karma

IPFS technical question

Are there any good projects or thoughts on how to host something like GIT or a read/write WIKI on IPFS since these endpoints are by nature non-static? Wouldn't the constant changing of content force a rehash making the endpoint unknowable?

Is there work underway that may allow stuff like PUT, POST, PATCH and the like to IPFS, or can this all just be done with IPNS + magic?

brianddk6 karma

Great article. Maybe the IPFS and Brave's Github repos could host quarterly snapshots of their source. This would be awesome.

brianddk4 karma

Are there any plans now, or technologies in the future that would allow something at the scale of Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube to exist in the dweb space? Could either of you share your vision of returning to the "wild-west" of the internet of old?