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brereddit68 karma

Once a case appears to be abusive, a Judge usually will order fees. (check with an attorney though)

brereddit3 karma

He's done nothing wrong. It looks like he wrote a fictional account using Fukushima as the backdrop to a zombie apocalypse story. It's not my cup of tea but I don't fault him in the least. Who cares if he makes money off of his book? How does that in any way dishonor the victims of the disaster? It doesn't. If anything, creating art and even dorky zombie art is a human response to great tragedy. It says to the world, he is alive and pursuing happiness which is certainly no crime.

People outside of Japan are curious about it. That is good for Japan because it leads to other things which ultimately translates into commerce which is just a contemporary variant of the common good...something that your narrow focus has missed entirely.

brereddit2 karma

MacIntyre points out that Utilitarians and Kantians can't seem to convince each other to adopt each other's view and as a result we're left with a choice between Nietzsche or Aristotle as a new starting place for ethical insights. Supposing that one agrees with MacIntyre, what benefit would a student derive from examining your best work?

brereddit1 karma

I wasn't interested in his book til I read your post. Now I'm fascinated by it and will probably buy 10 copies and visit him in Japan hopefully. Maybe I'll ask him for a tour and he can charge me a lucrative fee which I won't mind in the least.

brereddit0 karma

Why hasn’t TDA replaced most ML yet? It performs better with higher dimensionality data (the opposite is true for most AI algorithms), it produces better performing models with inherent explainability, costs less to develop, secure and sustain.