Highest Rated Comments

brendalee1229525 karma

Why do you keep dying?

brendalee1229140 karma

Do you miss working there? I do ! I worked there from 08-10’

brendalee1229130 karma

I love your answer. To be honest I’m in AWE. I’m so afraid of death that I fall into a rabbit hole reading things like this. Stay safe!

brendalee122931 karma

Did your mom ever have second thoughts about sending you there? I’ve read a few suffer from PTSD and I wondered why some didn’t move away.

Also I read a lot about this in high school after we had Rachel’s dad visit our school in Texas to spread her message. And it really shook me to my core that I actually had nightmares about it. I have so much respect for the people like your mother who have come out the other end of something like this, strong.

brendalee122919 karma

I hear ya! I was a birthday host