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breehn80 karma

There MIGHT be a catbug spinoff, I don't know. He's getting older, so yeah his voice will change. Catbug will become a baritone that smokes cigars and drives a flatbed

breehn64 karma

Catbug, because

breehn54 karma

Pen isn't involved with the show anymore. He created it, made the pilot and then passed the show to me. Every now and then I ask him for advice but it's all unofficial

breehn53 karma

Impossibear claims to be an extremophile, who can survive in any environment. This might be exaggeration.

Also, he is multi-colored. He's old though, and when his color flaps went gray he started having to dye them back to rainbow colors. He's sensitive about it

breehn39 karma

Beth's Dad carried her himself in a transgenic womb. In the future, men can apply for a pregnancy license. Mr. Tezuka doesn't believe in love http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmMkxbOIMAEfk8Y.jpg:large