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brazenwildhoney10 karma

Why is it the government keep saying that more funds have been given to those who are dependant on disability related benefits which are not Universal Credit (ESA for example) when no such funds have been given? It has been asked a few times and each time we are told that money was given to all who are benefit dependant, but this is false.

I have checked it myself several times over, yet we as disabled have had our care cut and are now needing to food the extra charges for things like supermarket deliveries and so on (please don't suggest the NHS boxes the food isn't suitable unless you are not allergic, don't have an eating disorder and own and can use cooking technology, many of us just can't use these boxes... same with food banks).

Can I ask why no one has done any research into this question in particular and just believes everything said when it is clearly false at best and a malicious lie at worse? I can't afford to keep feeding myself...I have nothing left.

brazenwildhoney4 karma

Yes, he says he has asked the question, the PM and other Tori ministers keep saying "more financial aid has been given to those on Universal Credit, ESA and other benefits", which is false. The only means tested/out of work through whatever means (be that ill, disabled or unemployed and yes it is means tested so we are talking the lowest possible income here!) but only Universal Credit applicants has been allocated more funds. Yet the government keep saying otherwise. They keep ploughing the same line of all means tested benefits including ESA have been included...but again; they have not. I have checked it. I have also asked my MP, my MP is a Labour MP not Tori so is in a weaker position to ask directly. The question has been asked already by several charities and MPs and each time they say the same false things...

Why is no one stopping this lie? I have spoken with those in charge of benefits (universal credit, ESA and so on) and each time am told no additional funds to everyone, only to those on Universal Credit.

Universal Credit is unsuitable for those who are unwell or disabled, hence ESA (Employment and Support Allowance) being in existance. Only those in receipt of UC are given extra funds of £1000. That to me would make a huge difference! On ESA my income is less than £10k...see what I mean?

brazenwildhoney1 karma

Is there any way you can remember that in many cases, it's just normal non-economy educated types who hear all this news? It makes people feel very afraid and very scared when all we hear is about a sure-fire way straight to global economical massive crisis and recession to which we are powerless to do anything but watch and go through, possibly forever, possibly will get unspeakably worse (this is how it's coming across).

It's not just adults watching, it's teenagers, it's kids, it's those struggling with extreme forms of depression, or anxiety, or psychosis, or eating disorders, self harm, PTSD, postnatum depression sufferers now looking at their children and feeling sorry for their entire existance, it gets mixed in with their already head of challenges and people cannot see past hell and a handcart and ho hope.

On a good day, people create their own sense of control in the powerlessness, they take what money they can get hold of (legitimately or otherwise...-I've seen/heard it all over the past few weeks!) and they panic buy, they scare others with their panic buying, they buy drugs, they get drunk, they do harm. Because they are scared, because they see fear and they become selfish thinking it's every man for himself, they make life terrible for everyone else...and that's just one presenting problem, there are many others on varying scales, there will be deaths to suicide through the hopelessness because there appears to be no way out and if you are poor, you are effectively screwed, you will die in this financial struggle if the health one doesn't get you first or you starve in the process because there is no food...

If I can ask one thing? Do you think you could put a little hope out there? Hope that doesn't only affect those who have money? Hope for those who struggle in minimum wage, zero hours labour with kids that are now terrified for their future. People who live alone that have no one, no savings, no ability to fund a pension. People who had no hope, are now being told by economists across the news, that they have even less hope than they had before, that they had it all (only they didn't know it) and hold on because it's about to get a lot lot worse with no way of return.

Please. If I can ask one thing, it's to please, give some hope in the news, not just on here, or on the sly, but to the world that so far has been fed anything but hope. If we do stand any chance here- and I really don't know anymore given what I've heard, if we stand any chance at all, I can't help but think being terrified into shutting down and being one man for himself isn't going to be how it works.

Thank you.