Highest Rated Comments

boyferret107 karma

What do you recommend for someone that can't remember their dreams at all?

boyferret72 karma

I think they were all humane, animals have been eating other animals for a bit, and for the most part, it's worked out ok. Just sucks to be a pigeon, is all.

boyferret46 karma

Haha take that!

boyferret41 karma

I have seen some with confusing formats, or the way it say things, I saw one that said place card (beep), then charging card (or some such), then beep, then "please do not remove card". The problem was the second beep made me pretty sure I was done, and the do not was on another line, in smaller font. The bastards. I still fall for it, I end up putting my hands in my pocket.

boyferret35 karma

Coach McGuirk is one of my favorite characters of all time.