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bordeauxblues8 karma

I'll high-five you if you do. see? » http://i.imgur.com/DYsbE2K.gif

bordeauxblues3 karma

I got to meet and chat with you, and the glorious Mr. Len, when you two played in Stockholm last summer. And, if I'm not mistaken, you stayed here for close to a week or so, no? What exactly did you do here? Other than eat the burgers you asked for at the hotel, that is.

bordeauxblues1 karma

I'm just going to treat this like a continuation of our interview this summer, let's go:

• Your favourite burger, what does it contain and if it's for sale, where is it available? • If you were to act in a film that's already been made, a classic that you love, what character in what film would you play? • Let's say Life With Jeannie gets you widely noticed as an actor BUT you get cast in an already existing TV show: what show would you prefer to be cast in and why? • What is the latest book you read and loved?

That should keep you busy for at least a minute or so.

bordeauxblues1 karma

ooh, just remembered: have you found a love interest for yourself in Life With Jeannie? I remember coming with suggestions like Skarsgård, Diplo, and some others.

bordeauxblues1 karma

Haha, I'm glad the city relaxed you, it never does that to anyone living here like...ever. And that hotel really is lovely, and strange as hell, with posh people eating brunch while hiphop-heads turn records in the same room.