Highest Rated Comments

boorishbehaviour9 karma

The comparisons to 'rape theory' that have been mentioned are interesting, and it's something I haven't fully thought through in my mind yet - I'm having hard to articulate exactly why I find the notion of these places uncomfortable.

I don't really have a problem with girls (or anybody) using their looks in a certain way - they choose the boundaries and how they feel comfortable...

On a purely subjective level, as a guy, places like this make me uncomfortable, because I know that the whole thing is a sham, designed to play on the fact that I find the person attractive, in order to give them more cash. They aren't interested in me really, and are using sexuality in a way that would appear they might be (whether that is by their own actions, or by the construction of the entire brand experience).

I'd much rather have real, genuine connections than be made to feel like I'm reduced to nothing more than a caveman that only responds to the carnal.

boorishbehaviour3 karma

It seems like the warnings you gave about the regulation of the Internet and mechanisms of control have not only come true, but in worse ways even than you might have envisaged at the time. Do you think this is the case, and if so, what can be done to mitigate the effect of Government regulation (e.g. blocking of websites, NSA surveillance, etc..)?