Highest Rated Comments

boones_farmer70 karma

As more and more businesses colonize space, what regulations do you support to make sure that the night sky continues to belong to all of humanity and doesn't simply become a lawless playground for businesses looking to push whatever agenda they please on humanity?

boones_farmer13 karma

These things are happening now, but it takes a long time for these studies to yield definitive results. Unfortunately science isn't something you can rush, particularly when you're dealing with a subject where you're forced to rely mostly on self reported outcomes. You need a huge body of reliable evidence tease out the actual physical effects from what people report.

boones_farmer10 karma

Fuck. That. Seriously, fuck that all to hell.

boones_farmer8 karma

How exactly do you think business are going to bounce back when 40 million people are strapped for cash?

boones_farmer3 karma

I love that you misspelled Worcester.