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bookham154 karma

How was your sex life on the road and which country has the most beautiful people?

bookham126 karma

Could you expand on this, What are the differences?

bookham81 karma

Any stories about people returning products? Why did they return them?

bookham39 karma

I feel there is alot of pressure for men with a small penis to somehow compensate for it and still give there partner a good time. As in you have a small doodle so you better come up with something else for me. My question, have you had many partners who have taken it upon themselves to give you a good time because of your small willy? Because I'm sure many people could understand the damage you have received because of it, so they just be a great person and rock your world. Has this happens much?

bookham37 karma

" It was fun beating a man who was only 76 years old!". And here I am stressing out over turning 30 next year.