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boobodst31 karma

For some reason of all your responses here this is the one that makes me chuckle repeatedly. It’s the kind of thing I’ll think about while cooking in three months and chuckle again making the people around me think I’m insane.

boobodst10 karma

Something something I wish bears would come into my place and ravage me.

boobodst9 karma

She’s actually Loki shapeshifted and plotting the demise of Baldr who is actually Jeff Goldblum

boobodst8 karma

But Asians aren’t a minority in this context. Asians are vastly over represented in higher education, and not evenly. Furthermore, a lot of the reasons for “discrimination” aren’t tied directly to race. They may be as simple as limiting the number of acceptance letters sent to students who come from certain elite schools so that students from non elite backgrounds have a fair shake at opportunities that weren’t handed to them. The sad fact of the matter is that Asians who are on the rigorous college paths have had undue benefits that increase their chances of scoring well on entrance exams and having an advanced academic background. They aren’t statistically more likely to do well in college than a rural kid who is more likely to have lower entrance scores and fewer outstanding achievements and more likely not to be Asian. Furthermore, even after these efforts Asians are still over represented in colleges so it’s not exactly clear that they’re truly being discriminated against. It’s more that the means by which some Asians get into college are being discriminated against since those means only present a superficial veneer of excellence.

boobodst3 karma

Which makes them Carnivorans. Not carnivores.