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bonobi33 karma

I had to wear a back brace for four years... almost 24 hours a day, everyday. My curve progressively became more severe and in 2009 I had a "full" spinal fusion. It has now been 7 years since my surgery, and I feel very grateful to have been able to have this surgery. However, going through such an immense and permanent change to your body, is not always easy. I would love to share my story, and hopefully help and support people who have scoliosis, or are about to have / has had a spinal fusion. Before my operation, my doctor offered to take pictures of the progression of my spinal fusion. I have included them in the last three photos... for anyone who is curious of what a split open back looks like, and the person essentially being turned into wolverine. I won't hold anything back, AMA!

Thanks for this. It's reassuring to know that coming to terms with pain is attainable.

I feel very lucky to have had a corrective surgery on my back after the first one went bad. Long story short: I was poor and a Pro-Bono doctor performed a L4/5 Discectomy & Laminectomy (where they take out part of the vertebrae to make room for the spinal cord due to Stenosis (narrowing of the spinal cord). It went bad and the doctor skipped the state. He left me with massive scar tissue and partially bed ridden.

Luckily I got on assistance 5 years later (after a lot of pain) and a great doctor was able to remove the scar tissue causing my nerve pain.

However, I've still got Scoliosis (albeit mild) and now my upper back is starting to cause pain with 3 herniated discs and my lower will eventually need to be fused at some point in the future.

Whatever I'm going through I still feel very lucky to have had the successful corrective surgery and never let it stop me from any goals. I also never take for granted those who aren't as lucky as me and try my best everyday to make sure I'm worthy of my luck.

One thing that always gets me though is after moving to Massachusetts or anywhere, every time I see a new doctor they always treat me like I'm a drug addict and don't seem to understand that I will have to live with this pain. I've done my best to mitigate it without medication but there will always be days I will need it.

I think I've finally found a doctor that (after a year and several drug tests and previous MRI's and surgery documents) believes me and we're starting to work together instead of her against me. Part of it is due to the stupid laws that make it hard for them so I understand to a certain degree.

whew...that was cathartic

Thanks again for helping me feel not alone in managing pain from back surgeries and I wish you all the best in your futures!