Highest Rated Comments

boneyarsebogman53 karma

What's the weirdest thing you ever encountered a child doing?

boneyarsebogman39 karma

Why was the OP removed?

boneyarsebogman14 karma

Wait. What.

No more Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip?

boneyarsebogman14 karma

First off, I think it should be appreciated that she has taken the time to answer queries about PETA and their killing of animals; so many other people would have just avoided those questions, so thank you for not shying away from the issue.

And now a question - would you ever do any animated TV shows or even a movie again? Any in the pipeline?

boneyarsebogman6 karma

In fairness to him, how much of it is him bitching out and how much is him not being told the tough questions? I'd reckon it's more his not being told.