Highest Rated Comments

bobbiness12 karma

Firstly, I want to thank you for your wonderful music and the emotions put into your work. There is not a day that goes by where I don't listen to your songs ranging from Mignonette to Four Thieves Gone to Carpenter to Magpie all in one session. You are all musical masters and have changed my life. You have inspired me to be better musically and personally. Your music has also created a very strong connection between me and the love of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My question(s)...How do you stay energized physically and emotionally during the tour? Your shows are wonderfully long, well rehearsed, and energetic. When the show is over and you're in route to the next town, how do you avoid getting "burnt out" so to speak? I can imagine that during this time of touring everyone's energy is low and families are greatly missed.