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bluescrew91 karma

Without a pushup bra, some very large boobs can look deceptively flat because of the spreading out. Mine are Fs and you wouldn't know it by looking at me without a bra because the surface area has increased with age (read: droop) while the mass has stayed the same.

bluescrew17 karma

Afraid of giving OP a chance to refuse to do the job. Because then he'd have to do it himself.

bluescrew7 karma

Seems like it might even be a good thing your sister had multiple female role models to choose from, seeing as her mom was apparently the worst one.

bluescrew4 karma

Healthy poly people definitely would not put up with someone asking "which one of us do you like more." Even in private. They would be immediately called out and expected to explain themselves, or be shown the door. The thing about healthy poly that I've observed is that you don't get away with shit like that through bullying, the way you can when there's only one other person in the relationship. And if you want to try to skate by with passive-aggressiveness, dishonesty, manipulation, or any of the other tricks people pull in relationships you won't last long. Your partners will leave and find people who don't play those games, like OP's dad did.

bluescrew3 karma

Really, my parents were divorced and I never had to report my dad's or my stepmom's income for college. This was in 1999. Have the rules changed?