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bluepilled1532 karma

Rand Paul's anti-drone filibuster lasted 13 hours, but no Democrat besides Ron Wyden showed floor support. Individuals at your network have even been openly hostile to Paul.

John Brennan has been on the wrong side of numerous controversial post-9/11 issues. Four years ago, his advocacy of torture forced him to withdraw for top CIA spot. Yesterday all but two Democrats voted to confirm him.

So after ceding authority on drones to Repulicans, Democrats gave near unanimous approval to a scoundrel.

  • Hasn't this been a pathetic showing for "progressive" Democrats?

  • Are power and party so much more important than (alleged) principles?

  • Was Democrats' anti-war talk of the 00's just opportunistic sloganeering for electoral success? If not, what happened to them?

EDIT: Wow, many thanks for all the thoughtful responses, even if my question was not selected by Rachel. And many more thanks to the generous person who Goldened my account!

Bottom line I'd like to see more Democratic pressure on the administration - from the media, the public, and especially Congress - regarding warrantless wiretapping of phones and email, indefinite detention, Guantanamo, extrajudicial executions, undeclared wars, etc. Maybe that's totally unrealistic. But it's been very discouraging to witness the diminished appetite to oppose the expansion and institutionalization of Bush-era terror policies overseen by a president elected on his principled anti-war, constitutional law credentials.

If we finally return to these issues because an unpopular opposition party sees crossover appeal with the issue of drones, I'm all for it. Maybe this will all be forgotten again but I hope that's not the case.

And if you're still reading this (or if you're just scrolling down the page), I recommend this relevant film clip:


bluepilled11 karma

Did the genesis of "Bing" have any connection to Ned Ryerson?

bluepilled10 karma

You say you get hate mail for doing segments on drones. Can you elaborate on why people dislike these segments?

Do most of your viewers prefer to see a Republican blooper reel instead of criticism of Obama?

bluepilled7 karma

What do you see as examples of some of the best (and worst) band names?

What are defining characteristics of great (and terrible) band names?

bluepilled1 karma

Do you see progress from when you started? In what way?