Highest Rated Comments

bluebird171711 karma

Pa. lawyer here, active in animal law and animal welfare issues. I was so excited to see Ricky get released to a sanctuary. But the bottom line is that there was no law, correct, that made this illegal? It's great we pressured the owner to release her, but had he not agreed, she'd still be in that cage. It's so hard in a state like Pa. to effect change re: our animal welfare laws. What can I do and what can other nonlawyers do to actually change these laws? I write my law makers, I'm involved in animal law committees, etc., but Pa. is not known for its animal-friendly laws (e.g. pigeon shoots). Thanks for all you do!

Edit: changed "his" to "its"

bluebird17173 karma

See, as a new attorney, you learn something new every day! Thanks, Matthew!