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blue_villain114 karma

Banks used to give away toasters and such when opening new accounts. At some point in time the banks got stingy and stopped.

Sounds like we're just asking them to be less stingy again.

blue_villain13 karma

So that people would open up an account with them, as opposed to either a) not opening an account at all, or opening an account with another bank. This is intro to marketing level stuff, not rocket science.

The Banking Act of 1933 merely separated investment banking and retail banking, so that people would have some semblance of faith in the banking system after the stock market crash in 1929. If people were afraid that the bank would lose their money for good then they simply wouldn't put their money in banks. This has long-term downstream effects on the economy... very few of which directly involve toasters or free gifts.

blue_villain13 karma

The alternative was simply to not give out toasters. They don't have to do it now and they didn't have to do it then either.

The Glass-Steagall act didn't force them to stop giving away toasters. They did that... because they were being stingy.

blue_villain5 karma

After all of your investigations, are you able to provide recommendations on specific routers or brands?