Highest Rated Comments

bleepbloop12345109 karma

How does it take you 2 weeks to mind out that half of your body is paralysed? Are you just tough as shit?

bleepbloop1234521 karma

Generally communist with a lower case c means a the definition of communism advocated by communists (a stateless, classless society with social control of the means of production), while Communism is generally used to refer to the states that claimed to be working towards a communist society (USSR, NK, Cuba, etc.).

bleepbloop123459 karma

Thanks for the detailed answer, I hope you get the donations you need.

I think what has happened to you is best summed up by the John Paul Sartre quote, "when the rich go to war, the poor die."

bleepbloop123458 karma

bleepbloop123456 karma

Actually I'm afraid the 'Communist' block was entirely capitalist, although it was a pretty weird form of state capitalism.

Climate change can be altered in the short term within Capitalism by the state but ultimately the operations will seize control again and reverse any regulation. The logic of capitalism is to seek profit at any cost, even if that cost is the entire planet.