Highest Rated Comments

blahtypedude16 karma

Hello, Mr. Zahn,

I'd like to start off by thanking you for all of your work. The Star Wars Expanded Universe books were a major part of my child/adolescenthood, especially those written by yourself, Michael Stackpole, and Aaron Allston. I was very sad to hear of his recent passing.

One thing that always impressed me was the EU authors' abilities to maintain consistency across different authors and different book series - everything from major themes, such as Luke's journey of maturation, to minor details, such as technical specifications of spacecraft. My question is how was that able to be achieved? Did the EU authors all read each others' works? Do you communicate with each other and collaborate on these details?

Also, how do you feel about Disney's reorganization of the Expanded Universe, given that it was something you and so many others took so much time and creative energy to build?

blahtypedude2 karma
