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blackfantasy217 karma

I frequently can only breathe through one nostril or the other, rarely are both always open. Was once told by a doctor that was normal for it to alternate, don’t really know. What is your opinion?

blackfantasy29 karma

Would that be a natural born obstruction or a build up over time?

I also think I have what they call a post nasal drip that can be pretty annoying at times. I haven’t looked too much into treatment for it.

blackfantasy24 karma

I had multiple friends with the worst flu of their lives (CA) in Nov/Dec and they never travel. One even had pneumonia symptoms. Really weird indeed... hope you are well now.

blackfantasy20 karma

How can I tell if the apartment I’m in is at risk of a major failure in a quake? The landlord is DGAF about everything and everyone here. I’ve been trying to get out of this state for a while now for so many reasons. This AMA does not make me feel any better about still being here!

blackfantasy14 karma

I’m impressed the city could even muster this thing up. Will have to check if I’m on there. I guess if I am I can reach out to someone who will force the owner to comply? The images of the Northridge quake are still in my mind anytime people start to talk about quakes, hate it.