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bishamon7213 karma

Also every time we take our toddler to the ER for fever/flu symptoms, they usually just tell us to wait it out

Unless it’s a fever over 103 or 104, you don’t need to go to the ER, especially right now. Wait until the morning and call your pediatrician’s office or go to an urgent care.

Unless the fever is high, has lasted more than a day or two, or there are other significant symptoms, all an ER visit is doing is running up health care costs.

At your next visit with your pediatrician, talk to them about what symptoms indicate the need for a trip to the ER.

bishamon7212 karma

Yeah, people say “shits and giggles” but it’s usually the other way around.

bishamon7211 karma

Slava Ukraini!

bishamon727 karma

But she's still Miss USA until she turns the crown over. This was as close as she could come to saying "Oh hell naw".

bishamon722 karma

So how is Grace doing?